What's New

Appointments Version 2.1

Feature Details
Weekly views for Clinicians and Clinics

Functionality for users to access a weekly view for clinicians and clinics.

See Weekly View.

Adding a Session via Weekly View

Allows a user to add a session via the new weekly view.

See Adding a Session from the Weekly View.

Integration with Consultation Manager

Allows the user to access the patient record with the patient in context from Vision Appointments to V3 Consultation Manager.

See Integration with Vision 3.

Integration with Registration

Allows the user to access the Registration links in V3 with the patient in context from Vision Appointments.

See Integration with Vision 3.

Differentiate between Active and Inactive slot types

In the booking view and insert slot view, inactive slot types now appear with a strike through in the text.

Type to search for slot type

You can now type to search for your required slot type when booking an appointment.

See Book an Appointment.

Appointments Version 2.0

Appointments Version 1.7

Appointments Version 1.6

The V1.6 release of Appointments brings the following updates:

See - Video Tutorials.

Appointments Version 1.5.8

The V1.5.8 release of Appointments brings the following updates:

Appointments Version 1.5

The V 1.5 release of Appointments brings the following updates: